Thursday, February 14, 2008

Today is Valentine's Day

Red roses means “I love you” and also stand for respect and courage.

Today is Valentine's Day! I think almost everyone are excited
. My son was excited too. In school, their class have a valentine party. Each of them need to bring some valentine's cards, cookies or candies and will give to their classmates.

Valentine's Day or Saint Valentine's Day is a celebrated on February 14. In North America and Europe, it is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other by sending Valentine's cards, presenting flowers, or offering confectionery i.e. cookies or candies. I have read from articles, that Valentine Day was named after two early Christian martyrs named Valentine. The day became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished. Some of the valentine symbols include red roses, love knots and love birds.

Nowadays, Valentine's Day is celebrated around the globe. Yesterday when I went to the stores, there were many people buying gifts, cards and flowers for their loves one. That's including me, I didn't know what to buy so in the end I bought a nice card and a chocolate box for my husband. Nothing fancy!!! But it's the thoughts that counts. I also bought one small box of chocolate for my son (I don't want to leave him behind).

Today, while my husband at work an
d son at school, I baked a cake for us.. and just cook a simple dinner and set the table. Trying to be romantic a little bit..

This is my first valentine cake I baked. Not as beautiful as the bakery has. I am still learning how to decorate it nicely. Actually my husband doesn't like frosting on cakes as it's not healthy. Too much sugar and fat.
"I am sorry honey!, you don't have to eat the frosting, scrap it off"

Just trying to be a little romantic hehehe...

We don't go out for dinner but we have a nice dinner at home.
We have these in my restaurant!! LOL
Salad (Starter)
Beef Roast (Main dish),
Scalloped Au Gratin Potatoes & Italian Bread (Side Dishes)
Carrot Apple Nut Cake (Desert).

John II trying was excited and can't wait to eat. Actually, we didn't drink wine, it's cranberry juice which he is drinking there.