Friday, February 6, 2009

Super Moist Chocolate Cake

Today, I bake 2 chocolate cakes for my son, he has been asking me to bake it since yesterday but I didn't have time. I have been trying many recipes on chocolate cakes but this is by far the most surprisingly delightful moist cake. There is one more thing you would like about this cake, it does not require any egg(s) in the ingredient. It is great for adults and for kids ages 3 and up.

Ingredients :
1½ Cups of all-purpose flour
3 Tablespoons of Hershey Cocoa (or any good quality cocoa powder)
1 Teaspoon of baking soda
1 Cup of white or brown sugar
½ Teaspoon of salt (optional)
5 Tablespoons of olive oil (can substitute with any veg. oil or canola oil)
1 Tablespoon of white vinegar
1 Teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 Cup of cold water

1. Put the flour into mixing bowl, add cocoa, baking soda, sugar and salt. Mix well.

2. Make three deep holes in the dry mixture. Into one, pour the oil, into the next, pour the vinegar and into the next, pour the vanilla.

3. Pour water into the bowl, over all of it and making a great big mess.

4. Mix the wet and dry ingredients together until there are no more lumps and pour into a 9 x 9 inch baking pan, two inches deep. The baking pan doesn't have to be greased (optional).

5. Bake it at 350º F (175º C) for about 30-35 minutes. Test with a fork or toothpick in the centre, if it comes out clean, then it's done.

Enjoy this delicious cake. You will be surprised at its moistness and richness. It can be cooled and iced with your choice of icing or can be enjoyed on its own. The batter can also be used to make cupcakes.

For an instant cake, have the dry ingredients premixed at hand, then simply add the wet ingredients when you want a fresh treat! it makes a great birthday cake? It can even freezes well.

Preparation time : 15 mins + 30 mins. bake.

These two cakes are ready to be layered, with frosting in between.

The Frosting:

1 Stick of Butter
1 (8 oz) pkt of cream cheese
2 Cups (16 oz) of powdered sugar
1 tablespoon of vanilla extract
1 tsp of orange rind (fresh or dry)

1. Beat the cream cheese, add butter, orange rind and vanilla and beat for a minute.
2. Add Sugar and beat till fluffy.

This is the frosting that has already been mixed. Ready to put on the cake.

Slowly spread the frosting on the first cake and then put the second cake on the top and spread all over.

Both cakes are now covered with the frosting and become one cake.

Decorate it with some cherries.

This is how the cake look like, from inside. It's very delicious and moist. My husband and son really like it.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My Birthday !!!

Today, it's my birthday and I am now in my mid 40's (won't wanna tell you how old but you can guess). I can't believe it!! Oh, no... I am an old lady but young at heart. Well, time passed so quickly, we didn't realised it. Everyone has to go through these stages of life. Nevertheless, I am so thankful to God for giving me this opportunity to live a wonderful time on this earth. I have been blessed with wonderful people around me especially my husband, son and my parents, and not forgetting all my siblings, uncles, aunt and many good friends. Life is like a roller coaster - where we go through the ups and downs in life but that's okey.
"We should develope an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to us, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than our current situation."

Through all circumstances, we do learn something from it and it makes us more mature, wiser, stronger person and making better decision in life. As we age gracefully, may we learn to take things one a time and leave the rest to God. For our life is in His hand!

I thank God for all the good things happened to me and all the bad times because I become more stronger and learned from it. I know God has a purpose for each one of us in life. If we live according to His will, He will make a way for us. I am going to make full used of my time while I am still on earth and wait upon Him. When my life is finished on this earth, I will see Jesus face to face. How awesome is that. Jesus is the deliverer! Thank you Jesus for all the blessings you gave me.

Bouquet of flowers from my husband.
Thank you honey and I love you!

This morning I baked a birthday cake for myself. This is the first time I bake my own cake! It's a simple cake and first time I try it.

Around noon time, my friend Ms. Corliss Chatman, came to take me out for lunch. We went to Salt Grass Steak House. She is my close friend that I have hear and she cares alot about me. Jesus, bless her sweet heart.

I thank God for giving me such a sweet and wonderful friend, like you!
and w
hile waiting for the food, we drank a glass of "long island tea". Can feel the warm goes into my body.

Look! Corliss asked me to dress up in my best, so I have to do it. Infact, I wore jean and a top but she asked me to change!.

She also in her best! She is eating up her soup.

Me, eating my soup. So nice.

This is her main dish.
Rib eye Steak, mashed potatoes and brocolli.

This is mine.
Steak, shrimp fritters, zucchinis and onion rings. Infact, I asked for shrimp scampi but they wrongly gave me. So in the end, I have both. I can't finish and pack back. Both of us were full because of the bread and soup that we have before it.

Eating my steak. The rest, I packed and took home.

She silently requested a piece of birthday cake for me. I was so embarrased and they sang "Happy Birthday to me".
That was our dessert.

Cheese Cake with the stawberry glaze.

Later that evening, after dinner. I was asked to blow the candles for my b/day cake. Sorry, we didn't have the right candles.

After John and son sang happy birthday, then I blew the candles. Simple but memorable.