Thursday, June 28, 2007

Growing Tomatoes

I live in Houston, Texas USA. I started my small garden in the backyard. I planted some tomatoes, zucchini, chives, eggplant, basil, sweet banana pepper and corn. etc. I read alot about gardening on the book called "Gardening in Texas" and it helps me alot to know the do's and don'ts. Everyday, I have to take care of it (i.e. weeding, watering and also putting some miracle gro and insecticides on it when it's needed). I took pictures of my garden from time to time to see it's progress. So it became my hobby already when I don't have much to do in the house, I will be spending my time in the garden. Below are some pictures of my tomatoes and its fruits.

The tomatoes and chives started to grow well.

The tomatoes started bearing fruits. These are amelia tomatoes

Tomatoes started to ripe.

The first fruit of my tomatoes started to ripe.

I really admire these tomatoes. As they look so big.

My favourite tomatoes. Now it's riped and ready to be picked.

Below are some pictures of my son picking the tomatoes. He really love doing that, so I let him do it.

John is picking tomatoes and eggplant.

John is cutting the tomatoes off from the branch. Don't you think he is cute?

He is proudly showing his basket full of tomatoes. although it was very hot in the afternoon.

He is so happy and still smiling.... eventhough it's hot.

At last, These are all we've got!!! Tomatoes and eggplants. (first fruits)

I will show you more pictures of the other plants which I grow in my garden in the next blogs. Happy viewing. :)

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