Monday, May 19, 2008

Food and Eating Time!!!!

Janet, Floria & Lina

Mag, Janet & Floria

Mag, Janet and Lina (Ready to eat).

This is what we do when we meet our friends or own people in another country. We would get together and cook or share the food that we have not eaten here. This happens once in a while. We missed all the good food we have at home in Sarawak. We chat and laugh and enjoy ourselves with our food. So feels like we are at home when we eat all the food here. Take a look at those food that we cooked and ate together.

Frozen Grounded Cassava Leaves.
I bought it from My Hua Stores (Vietnamese store), it was from the Philippines. Didn't know that they sold this at the stores.

I bought 2 packets.

This is how it looks like after we cook it.

These are Sarawakian Mustard (ensabi - Iban called it) that I grows at my garden at the backyard. I picked it this morning to cook for us.

Stir fry with onions, garlic and anchovies.

Stir fry zucchini leaves and pumpkin leaves. We experiment this as we have never done that before and it was really delicious. I grow few zucchinis at my garden.

Pork Ribs. Marinate it with All Seasons Salt. Then saute onions, garlic and ginger with olive oil in a big skillet, then add the pork ribs. Cook it for about 20 minutes and put 2 or 3 tablespoons of cooking wine. Stir it regularly. Then.. continue cooking for another 20 minutes. Add some thinly sliced JalapeƱos (Green Peppers) and stir it. Reduce heat and cooking till tender.

Baked drumstick by Lina.

These are the dishes we cook. Not bad hah. Too much to eat actually.

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