Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My Vegetables Garden

Gardening is one of my hobby and it takes a lot of patience and tendering. I have to learn alot of tips from some of gardening book or search it from the internet about how to grow or take care some of the flowers or vegetables etc. When I first did my gardening a year ago, I thought doing gardening was very easy here but it is not. The weather here in Houston, Texas is not the same as in my home country (Sarawak - Malaysia). You have to know when is best time to plant and which plants / vegetables can be grown here.

Whether you are new to gardening or a seasoned gardening pro, it is better to read some "Garden Guides" from the books or from the website. Just google whatever you want to know, you can find some very useful information and tips. By reading or getting information, it will certainly provide us a lot of help that we must know about gardening i.e. on plants, pests, gardening tips; techniques, nurseries; landscaping, and much more. I have problem with pest such as the vine borer in my garden especially the zucchinis and squashs. I still have to deal with it. It can be very frustrated seeing the plants dies eaten up by them. Other bugs may be I can deal with that.

I have a small vegetable garden at the backyard and flower beds on the front yard. I grow a few of each kind at my garden i.e. Zucchini, Tomatoes, Eggplants, corn, sweet banana peppers and some other vegetables. Here are some of the vegetables that I grow.

Some corn with some of "Sarawak Native Mustard" (ensabi).

Some zucchini and tomatoes plant.

Looks so fertile. Mixed soil with miracle gro.

My zucchinis all flowering, start to bear fruit.

Zucchini start to bear fruit. But I have problem with it here, the birds like to eat it.

An unusual squash. May be twin. :)

I took the picture the next day, I took the previous one. I don't think it will survive.

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