Monday, July 9, 2007

Trip To Miri, Malaysia

Sunset at Miri, Sarawak. (Over the South China Sea).

My husband captured this beautiful picture of sunset from the hotel's balcony. It's beautiful and how magnificient is the creation of our God which is beyond desciption. Our God is an awesome God. There's no other God like Him.

John II having good time in the early morning at the beach infront of the Everly Hotel, Miri.

Relaxing by the swimming pool side, while watching son, nephew and nieces playing in the kids pool.

Pantu waterfall in Lambir National Park, Miri, Sarawak. The water looks so green. One of the beauty of nature. It was really cooling taking bath in the water.

My hubby, son and nephew playing with the rocks there... trying to make a dam. hehehe

During this trip to Miri, Sarawak (East Malaysia). It was such a memorable one to my husband and son as it was their first trip. Somehow, I didn't manage to bring them to visit some of the tourist site as we were busy with our wedding. A day after the wedding, we went to my longhouse and also my parent's farm. Below are some pictures.

Picture taken on the way to Tinjar from Miri.

John standing by the Tinjar river where our longhouse is located. He looked tired because of the bumpy road.

Me, picking the tapioca leaves for veges.

Father and Son (John and John II).. taking pictures. while waiting to go back to Miri.

Me, carrying John II on my back. He is too tired and sick to walk. While my mom carrying some of her things to go to the car. (I missed my mom very much).

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