Thursday, January 17, 2008

Christmas 2007

The year 2007 was my second time spending Christmas in USA, away from my Family - back home in Miri, Sarawak (Malaysia). We have been going back to Ohio to spend Christmas with my mother inlaw who has been living by herself. She is a sweet & nice lady. She still very active playing bowling, gardening and teaching sunday classes eventhough she is in her 80's. That really surprised me. While we were there, she would do all the cooking , washed dishes and never let me do it, as she is used to be on her own. I can't complain, and I should be happy to have such a nice mother inlaw.

We have a nice Christmas service at their local church.. and some nice christmas presentation i.e. singing by choir group, sunday school kids and also a nativity scene played by the Youth. That was so awesome too. I feel very touched with the message too that God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to this world to save us sinners. "I love you Lord Jesus". It also made me feel homesick thinking about it.

Early on Christmas morning, we opened our christmas gifts. John II was the most excited, when come to opening the presents as he got the most from his grandma. He even open one of the present two days before the Christmas day, as he can't wait any longer.

He is excited to open the two bags...

She cooked nice food for us at Christmas dinner and invited her adopted daughter to have dinner with us. (sorry I didn't take any picture of us having dinner together).

We have great evening together and playing dominos and scrabbles. That's fun.

They are playing dominos.

Although I missed being with my family back in Miri but I am happy and blessed to be with my family here too. My thoughts and prayers are always with you all mom, dad and everyone. Miss you all. Have a prosperous year in 2008.. and God bless you. Amen.

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