Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Holiday in Kentucky - December 2008

He want to dip himself in that Spa... but didn't know how to turn it on.. hehe

He is swimming.. in the indoor pool that where we stayed at Holiday Inn Express in Meridian, Tenessee. Where we spent the night after a long drive from Houston.

His dad threw him on the pool.

Father and son soaking themselves in the Spa. I really want to join them but didn't bring my swim suit..

Christmas 2008, my family went to visit my husband's uncle and his wife (uncle Bob and aunt Tiny) in Heidrick, Kentucky. We stayed with them for a week. They were so nice and very hospitable people. God bless their heart. They were so thrilled to have us stayed with them.. as their own sons didn't go back during the Christmas. During our time there, we have the opportunity to go for Hiking in the Cumberland Gap National Park. Cumberland Gap National Historical Park is a wonderful tapestry of historical, cultural, and natural resources woven intricately together. The park is located in southeast Kentucky, southwest Virginia, and northeast Tennessee.

On December 23, 2008 we went hiking on the Tri-State Trails. It's the trail of the 3 states (Kentucky, Virginia and Tenessee join together on the top of the hill. It's also where one of the trail that the famous Daniel Boone explore the area. It was a cold day when we hiked to the hilltop. We took some pictures and hiked down again. Then, we hiked another trail called the Harlan Trail which leads to the Pinnacle overlook. I didn't go with my husband and son, as my hand hurts.. so my husband asked me to I trailed down to the parking lot to get the car. I droved that winding hilly road up.. and stopped half way. I parked the car at the parking area at a point called Mccomack. As I was scared to go further as I am have pobia of height. Then, I tried to walk up the road but then it's still far to walk and I came down and took the car and drove slowly to the top.. where my husband and son were waiting. They were worried and shivering in the coldness. We took some pictures at the pinnacle overlook and head back.

Taking a break on the way up to the Tri-State trail.

Standing at the spot (Tri State Border) where Tenessee, Kentucky and Virginia.

Posing behind Kentucky Sign

Posing at the Spot where Daniel Boone encrafted where he trailed in the 16th Century.

Posing with John at the Pinnacle overlook.

Christmas day was quiet. There was no church service in their church. In the morning at 8 o'clock after everyone woke up. We gathered in the living room and amused ourselves to open the christmas gifts under the christmas tree. Everyone was happy.. with their gifts. My son couldn't wait to open the gifts, so aunt Tiny let him open his little gift one by one each day before Christmas. At Christmas day, he got more to open.. and he was so thrilled.

Aunt Tiny's White Christmas Tree. With presents underneath it. Awaiting to be opened on Christmas Day. John II couldn't wait to open his gift. He was the first one to open his gifts.

He got few Christmas gifts from aunty Tiny & uncle Bob. He opened it everday till the Christmas day. Mostly toys! He got a football blanket from his aunt Sheryl and uncle John of Indiana. He got a soccer ball and Manning shirt from his dad. I left his gift in Houston!.

Here am I, opening my present from Aunt Tiny & Uncle Bob. I got a winter vest, nativity set and shampoo from them. I got an Omega watch from my hubby. I got Pyjama and T-shirt from sister inlaw & brother inlaw (Sheryl & John Maier) of Indiana. Btw, my left shoulder was hurting that's why I put on the sling to avoid it from moving too much.

My husband John got a Black Robe from Aunt Tiny and uncle Bob. Shirt from me and a Walmart card from his brother and sister inlaw. Got a measuring sensor from one of his customer.

Aunt Tiny got a Lazy Susan from John and a cross-stitch and frame from me.

Uncle Bob got a Manifying Glass from John for his reading.

While we were there, we had the opportunity to attend church that weekend with them. It was a small church with few congregations but they served and worshiped God with all their heart. They sang from their hymns of some Christmas songs.. which made me feel homesick. It feels like I am in my village there. As they are living in the country side. Uncle Bob sang his favourite song too. I was amazed! So wonderful.. to hear that he still can sing. God bless you uncle Bob.

We have spent a week with them and now
it's time to "Say Goodbye" to them. We feel sad to leave them behind,but we have another week of vacation to go spend at the Great Smoky Mountain in Tennessee and North Carolina. Before we left, we took picture with them.

Uncle Bob, Aunt Tiny with John II.

Uncle Bob, Aunt Tiny and myself.

Aunt Tiny and myself

John with uncle Bob and Aunt Tiny

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